To register with us as a reseller, you must:
- Have a business name that is currently registered as a taxpayer within the State that you do business.
- Be in the business of selling computer products or services.
- Mail or fax a copy of your resellers certificate to the address/fax number below.Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-4pm
5440 Babcock Rd. #121
San Antonio, TX 78240
(210) 699-0051
(210) 699-1701 (Fax)
Confirmation will be faxed or E-mailed back to you within a few working days. If you don’t have a copy of a Resellers Certificate, we provide a copy of the Texas Resale Certificate, which is in Adobe PDF format. Print, fill it out, and send/mail it to us. If you are unsure of your current registration status with the State of Texas, you can verify your standing at